
We recommend to clone this entire repository using git clone. However, you need to install the Git LFS extension. This is done by downloading and unpacking the GitLFS package, adding git-lfs binary to a folder that is in your PATH, and running git lfs install command.

mkdir ~/bin
export PATH="/home/$USER/bin:$PATH"        # good idea to put this in your ~/.bashrc or ~/.bash_profile
tar -xzvf git-lfs-linux-amd64-v2.13.2.tar.gz
cp git-lfs /home/$USER/bin
git lfs install

Now you’re all set to clone this repository (note that adding --depth 1 to your command as shown below will limit the amount of data transfered from github to your machine):

git clone --depth 1

At this point you may want to run the following find&grep command to check that all git lfs files were downloaded successfully (i.e. you got an actual content of each file, and not just its git lfs reference). The command searches for and lists all files within $COMORMENT folder which contain a string like oid sha, likely indicating that git lfs file hasn’t been downloaded. If the following commands doesn’t find any files that you’re good to go. Otherwise you may want to re-run your git clone commands or investigate why the’re failing to download the actual file.

find $COMORMENT -type f -not -path '*/.*' -exec sh -c 'head -c 100 "{}" | if grep -H "oid sha"; then echo {}; fi ' \; | grep -v "oid sha256"

For TSD system, a read-only copy of $COMORMENT containers is maintained at these locations (please read github/ file before using these copies):

# for p33 project
export COMORMENT=/cluster/projects/p33/github/comorment

# for p697 project
export COMORMENT=/ess/p697/data/durable/s3-api/github/comorment

Once you have a clone of this repository on your system, you may proceed with docs/singularity/ example. Take a look at the README file in the docs/singularity folder, as well as detailed use cases in usecases.

To simplify instructions throughout this repository we use certain variables (it’s a good idea to include them in your .bashrc or similar):

  • $COMORMENT refers to a folder with comorment and reference subfolders, containing a clone of the containers and reference repositories from GitHub. Cloning reference repository is optional, and it’s only needed for internal work within the CoMorMent project - for normal use you may proceed without it.

  • $SIF refers to $COMORMENT/containers/singularity folder, containing singulairty containers (the .sif files)

  • SINGULARITY_BIND="$COMORMENT/containers/reference:/REF:ro,$COMORMENT/reference:/REF2:ro" defines default bindings within container (/REF, /REF2). If you don’t have access to private reference, try out commands without mapping $COMORMENT/reference:/REF2:ro - most (if not all) of the exmples don’t require private reference data.

  • We assume that all containers run with --home $PWD:/home, mounting current folder mounted as /home within container

  • We also recommend using --contain argument to better isolate container from the environment in your host machine. If you choose not to mount --home $PWD:/home, you may want to add --no-home argument.

  • You can choose to exclude passing environment variables from the host into the container with the --cleanenv option. Read more about it here.